Assume that we would like to make the following changes to our already-populated 99 workbooks:
1), Make all last names upper-case
2), Insert a new column between Columns A and B, name it "Region #", and fill in the regional # of each physician
3), If the physician level is "RxDx" AND the physician segment is "None", change the segment from "None" to "Low".
Without further delay, here is the code:
1), Application.ScreenUpdating = False stops your computer from refreshing the display during the Macro run. There are two advantages of doing this. One is to increase the speed of Macro execution. Two is to avoid all the flickering on the computer monitor (can be very annoying). I highly recommend adding this line to all your VBA codes which cause repetitive display refreshing.
2), .Range("B:B").Insert method inserts a new column to the left (shift:=xlToRight) or to the right (shift:=xlToLeft) of the existing column B. Note that shift parameter determines the shift direction of the existing column B, not the new column to be inserted. To insert a new row, use .Range("2:2").Insert shift:=xlDown or .Range("2:2").Insert shift:=xlUp.
3), When comparing two text strings, first convert both into uppercase strings. This would eliminate any unintentional errors caused by different upper- or lower-case combinations. Note that VBA will treat two text strings as different as long as there is upper- or lower-case difference, even when all the letters are the same. For example, "rxdx" is different from "RxDx" or "RXDX".
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